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Congregational Reporting 2025

From the NEMA Diocesan Treasurer, Ron Riches:

Dear NEMA Parish Staffmembers,

Two surveys are conducted January through March each calendar year in order to obtain important data from each NEMA parish – ACNA’s Congregational Reporting and NEMA’s State of the Diocese Survey. The schedule for the two surveys is coincident, the objective being to minimize duplication of effort required at parishes for gathering and reporting statistical data. This schedule also provides time for more effective analysis and meaningful reporting of the data you submit for NEMA’s State of the Diocese.

Several (but not all) data requested through each of these surveys is identical. Information generated using data supplied through these surveys is important because:

† It is used to ensure the proportional representation of your parish and our diocese in the councils of the Church;

† It helps our diocese move beyond anecdotal information in order to evaluate larger trends within our Church;

† It is an opportunity to update vital contact information for you and your congregation.

The information provided not only serves these purposes, but also substantiates your local parish as a member of the REC for the purpose of maintaining your local 501(c)3 status. This status allows parishioners to deduct contributions to your parish from their income taxes and may be critical in obtaining relief from your state’s sales taxes.

ACNA Congregational Reporting (CR)

The ACNA Congregational Reporting process has now begun for the congregations in our diocese. We will be using the same system as the last several years, so most of you will find the process to be familiar. These reports are due March 1st.

If you have logged in to the ACNA system before and remember your password, go here:

If you haven’t used the ACNA system before, and/or don’t remember your password, this Quick Start Guide will lead you through the steps to get going:

Please complete the ACNA on-line survey for your congregation by March 1st, 2025. If you need help with the process, please contact me or the ACNA support staff. Should you need help, first check the website which has both video tutorials and an FAQ section where you can find answers. If you need more help, there is a chat/message box in the bottom right corner on the website through which an ACNA volunteer will be available to assist you. If you don’t get someone via live chat right away, you can leave a message and an ACNA support staff member will get back with you as soon as they are able. Please be mindful that there are over 1,000 congregations and a limited ACNA support staff; you will receive a response, but please be patient if it is not immediate. Lastly, you can contact me at and, if I know the answer, I will be happy to help you.

NEMA State of the Diocese

The survey is provided for your use in two forms (attached):

1. A Microsoft Excel file -

which is the simplest method for completing the survey (and the easiest for us to upload). To use this method, download the file and open it using Microsoft Excel (2003 or later, or an equivalent like Quattro Pro or Open Office Calc), tab from field to field (or position to a field using the mouse) and enter the relevant data. The data you enter will be captured for use in the statistical report even if your entry is longer than the field is able to display. Fields automatically calculate as you enter data. Simply fill in the relevant fields, save a copy and email a completed survey file to Ron Riches at

2. An Adobe Acrobat file -

which is the method for you to use if you are unable to use the Microsoft Excel version of the survey. To use this method, download the file and print it. Enter the relevant data on the printout, make a copy for your records and scan and email the completed survey to Ron Riches at If you are unable to scan and email your completed survey, then please mail a hard copy to me at 51 Whippoorwill Lane, Sparta, NJ 07871.

The due date for submission of your completed NEMA State of the Diocese survey is Friday, March 28th, 2025 to ensure that your parish’s information is included in the NEMA State of the Diocese Report that will be presented to Diocesan Council in November 2025.

Your cooperation in completing these surveys is greatly appreciated! Please direct your questions to Ron Riches at or 973.729.4153.

Your servant in Christ,




©2020 Reformed Episcopal Church. Created by Holly Howden.

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