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Congregational Reporting - 2023

Two surveys are conducted each calendar year in order to obtain important data from each NEMA parish – the ACNA’s Congregational Reporting and NEMA’s State of the Diocese. The schedule for the two surveys is coincident, the objective being to minimize duplication of effort required at parishes for gathering and reporting statistical data. This schedule also provides time for more effective analysis and meaningful reporting of the data you submit for NEMA’s State of the Diocese.

Several (but not all) data requested through each of these surveys is identical. Information generated using data supplied through these surveys is important because:

  • It is used to ensure the proportional representation of your parish and our diocese in the councils of the Church;

  • It helps our diocese move beyond anecdotal information in order to evaluate larger trends within our Church;

  • It is an opportunity to update vital contact information for you and your congregation.

The information provided not only serves these purposes, but also substantiates your local parish as a member of the REC for the purpose of maintaining your local 501(c)3 status. This status allows parishioners to deduct contributions to your parish from their income taxes and may be critical in obtaining relief from your state’s sales taxes.

The ACNA Congregational Reporting process uses the website to gather relevant information from each parish. An email was sent to each parish with instructions. The deadline for finalizing your data is March 1st.

The NEMA State of the Diocese Survey is the comparable process for reporting data to our diocese. There are two alternate methods available: an Excel file for electronic entry and response, or a PDF file for printing and mailing via the postal service.

A PDF letter explaining the process is available for download HERE.

The Excel file is available for download HERE.

The PDF file is available for download HERE

Any questions contact Treasurer Ron Riches via the contact information in the PDF letter.



©2020 Reformed Episcopal Church. Created by Holly Howden.

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Jenkintown, PA 19046

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